Likt en droppe vatten i en bergsspricka, tränger vi oss in i de svåra frågorna. Vi är kapillärkraften själv, i flytande form rör vi oss med ömtålig sprängkraft. Vi sipprar nedåt i mörka myllor. Till själva rötterna letar vi oss för att ge omsorg åt det som vill växa ur dem. Art Lab Gnesta är i ständig förändring men samtidigt orubblig. Vi experimenterar fram nya alternativ i nutid och framtid(er). Genom den konstnärliga tanken och det konstnärliga arbetet är vi en plats för sorgearbete, lek och motstånd.
Like a drop of water in a rock crevasse, we permeate the difficult questions. We are the capillary force itself, in liquid form we move through a fragile explosive force. We seep down into dark soils. We seek for the roots themselves to take care of what wants to grow out of them. Art Lab Gnesta is constantly changing but is, at the same time, unshakable. We are experimenting with new alternatives in the present and the future(s). Through the artistic thought and the artistic work, we are a site for mourning, play and resistance.
NIGHT ALGEBRA – Dreamers have a house
November 2 - December 8, 2024
Opening on Saturday, November 2, 12-4 pm.
Johanna Billing, Raghad Resres, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Rolf Schuurmans, Saskia Gullstrand and Mark Frygell.
The exhibition also includes works by Karl Schultz-Köln, Giorgi Rodionov, Rädda Jorden Klubben, Lars Hillersberg, Squid Squad in collaboration with Åsa Norman and remnants from the house’s previous guests. Read more
November 2 - December 8, 2024
Autumn Water – Ida-Johanna Lundqvist
The exhibition is open Saturday-Sunday 12-4pm On a pillar in the middle of Art Lab Gnesta’s large exhibition hall, rests a whitish swan — transparent, as if it were about to be erased. The myth of swans singing a final, beautiful song just before their death has been known since antiquity and is a recurring […] Read more
The exhibition is open Saturday-Sunday 12-4pm

Welcome to Art Lab Gnesta!
Our home is the old brewery in Gnesta, where we work in residency studios, a risograph studio, a large greenhouse, a wasteland, workshops and gallery rooms. We do exhibitions, publications, talks, interventions and other events both in the brewery, in public space and with our collaborating partners. In our residency program, artists are invited to produce new artworks that cultivate discussions about our present and its possible future(s).
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