Tänka med jorden (Think with the Earth/Dirt)

Photo: Kultivator
The art project Tänka med jorden (Think with the Earth/Dirt) revolves around Nynäs Castle by considering its more than 800-year old history, the surrounding agricultural landscape and 3266 hectares of nature reserve as a potentially critical place for reflection on human’s place on earth.
New artworks are developed in dialogue with the site by invited artists, some permanent, others more temporary. Over time, they lay the foundation for a living sculpture park based on collective processes and art pedagogical exercises. The ambition is to create a common (rethinking) of human impact of the surrounding landscape. With an exploratory look at the power relations within the manor culture that has characterized the place for centuries, new conversations arise between artists, writers, students, staff and audiences.
In the project’s first year, newly produced works were presented by the art and research collective (P) Art of the Biomas and the artist duo Kultivator in collaboration with students from Öknaskolan’s Naturbrukgymnasium. During 2023, new works by Åsa Elzén and Sara Ekholm Eriksson will be presented.
The project is run by Art Lab Gnesta in collaboration with Nynäs castle and nature reserve and Sörmland Museum, with support from the Swedish Arts Council.