
The magazine Fält was published 1-2 times a year by Art Lab Gnesta from 2012 until 2019.

Fält was a magazine that concerns the interactions between contemporary urban culture and rural areas. Based on the artistic production and presentations carried out at Art Lab Gnesta, we wanted to create a springboard for discussions about art and society, often with a certain focus on environmental issues. The magazine followed our activities and often described a collaboration or a specific topic.

Read Fält here:

All issues of Fält (2012-2019)

Fält No. 10, October 2019, contains texts about the The Contemporary Art Days Summit 2019, the network The collective brain, our new greenhouse, Squid Squad, the exhibition The liminal system that runs across the skin of the world, recipes for Kashke bademjan and more. Graphic design by Lars Høie. Read now

Tidskriften Fält nr9Fält No. 9, September 2018, dives into the swamp, explore future ecologies, contains texts exploring the changing cultural political landscapes in and beyond Sweden, solar powered socialist cinemas as well as how to revitalize old traditions in order to solve complex societal challenges. We include a poster, produced by Sara Granér and Sunshine Socialist Cinema. Graphic design by Nathalie Ruejas Jonson. Read now

Fält #8Fält No. 8, June 2017, contain texts ranging from plant cultivation and plant dyeing to queer abstraction, artists on the move and the excluding structures present in the field of art.  Included is a poster produced by the artist Bernadette Wolbring. The issue contain contributions from and interviews with Abir Boukhari, Macarena Dusant, Éva Mag, Omar Sadek & Bernadette Wolbring. Graphic design by Louise Kelpe. Read now

Fält No. 7, June 2016, describes our work in the Swamp Storytelling project. It was published during “Träskbiennalen 2016”, and contains contributions from the Hägersten Botanical Gardens, Ingela Ihrman, Mikael Lindahl, and others. Graphic design by Louise Kelpe. Read now

Fält No. 6, September 2015, was published in association with the “Den politiska biodlarens bibliotek” exhibition by Erik Sjödin. In addition to texts about the “Utlöparna” project, it contains an interview with Sebastian Spendrup, who is running the new brewery operations here, and director Anuja Ghosalkar, guest under the residency program. Graphic design by Louise Kelpe. Read now

Fält No. 5, November 2014, was produced in collaboration with Scenkonst Sörmland, and choreographers Helena Franzén and Ori Flomin, who were visiting Art Lab Gnesta at the time. It contained also interviews with artists Lina Freigni Nagler, Linda Persson, Paula Urbano and Cajsa von Zeipel. Graphic design by Louise Kelpe. Read now

Fält No. 4, May 2014, arose in a collaboration with author Åsa Anderberg Strollo and the young people in the Gnesta Young Artists’ Association. Graphic design by Rikard Heberling. Read now

Fält No. 3, November 2013, was produced in collaboration with Eskilstuna Art Museum and dealt with the theme of the museum’s artistic tricentenary: Nordic Art Station – merry melancholy. Guest editor Sally Müller investigated the concept of melancholia in interviews with, among others, an artist and a scientist. Graphic design by Maryam Fanni & Rikard Heberling. Read now

Fält No. 2, June 2013, presented projects that had been produced and presented at Art Lab Gnesta during 2013, by artists who included Ingela Ihrman, John Skoog, Jan Matsson and Elena Mazzi. The issue was released as part of a collaboration with Microclima, a place for contemporary art housed in a 19th century Venetian greenhouse. Graphic design by Leon Norgren. Read now

Fält No. 1, June 2012, we reviewed artistic projects that had been exhibited at Art Lab Gnesta in 2012, gave brief glimpses of local initiatives, and invited artists, writers and photographers to interpret questions around art, vegetation and the natural world. Graphic design by Leon Norgren. Read now