Squid Squad

Squid Squad is for everyone between 13-25 years in (and around) Gnesta who wants to engage in issues about climate change and the environment in different ways.

We meet regularly in a newly built greenhouse at Art Lab Gnesta to learn more about everything from art and compost to advocacy and civil courage. Together we explore practical, philosophical, psychological and artistic issues and working methods linked to human relations to the rest of nature.

We work with artists and other experts, opinion makers and activists. We explore alternatives to the normative lifestyle that is based on limited natural resources. The outcome of the project is based on the participants interests and can, for example, be art projects, joint manifestations or municipal citizens’ proposals.

Together we are a force that will dig where we stand, while giving a much larger echo.

It’s free to join! We offer fika.

Want to know more, or do you want to join? E-mail Signe, signe.johannessen@artlabgnesta.se

Welcome to participate in the next meeting

Welcome to participate in the next meeting! Everyone between about 13-25 years is welcome, even if you have not participated in Squid Squad before. It is free to join and we offer fika!

Follow the project on instagram!


Previous meetings:

The project is made possible through support from The Swedish Postcode Lottery Foundation and The Swedish Arts Council.

Svenska Postkodlotteriets Stiftelse (tidigare Postkodstiftelsen)
Swedish Arts Council