Art Lab Gnesta
Art Lab Gnesta is a place for artistic immersion and experimental connections between art and the planetary situation. We are guided by speculation to ask questions about the nature of the world, not only about how it is or has been, but also how it could be. To speculate is to claim, investigate and invest in opportunities, that is the very basis for being able to experiment.
We refuse to work alone and engage in constant dialogue with other fields of knowledge. The artistic work is combined with social tools and is often based on collective practices. Since the start, we have collaborated with invited artists, civil society, schools, art institutions and others who work with art, environmental, or social issues – both locally, nationally and internationally.
Our home is the old brewery in Gnesta, where we work in residency studios, a risograph studio, a large greenhouse, a wasteland, workshops and gallery rooms. We do exhibitions, publications, talks, interventions and other events both in the brewery, in public space and with our collaborating partners. In our residency program, artists are invited to produce new artworks that cultivate discussions about our present and its possible future(s).
We are a site for production, presentation, discussion, play and resistance.
Art Lab Gnesta is a self-organized initiative founded in 2010 whose artistic leadership consists of Signe Johannessen and Caroline Malmström and is run by the Art Lab Gnesta Association.
We see our artistic work as a public benefit and work to ensure that all activities are free for visitors, and offer all invited artists good working conditions. Thanks to Gnesta Municipality, Region Sörmland, Kulturrådet, BUS / KUN, Leader Inlandet, Allmänna arvsfonden, Konstfrämjandet, Kulturbryggan, Helge Ax: son Johnson, Nordisk kulturkontakt, Nordisk kulturfond, Konstfrämjandet, Postkodstiftelsen, Svenska institutet and Stiftelsen Karl Schultz-Köln Mörck-Schultz who makes our practice possible.