Do you want to join us under the surface? Do you want to try diving and at the same time learn more about what really happens to the Baltic Sea?
As part of Squid Squad’s climate school, we invite you to try out diving with a certified diving instructor from Järna Dyk and a conversation with a marine biologist who tells you about the development in the Baltic Sea.
Time & place
Friday, August 23 from 16-18 in the Frejahallen, Gnesta.
Saturday August 24 at 9-13, meeting outside Art Lab Gnesta for joint departure to the Baltic Sea.
Please bring bathing suit and towel! We bring fika.
Squid squad is for you between 13-25 years in or around Gnesta who are interested in climate issues and art.
Few places left! Sign up by emailing caroline.malmstrom@artlabgnesta.se or DM us on our instagram account @gnestasquidsquad