September 28 – November 3, 2019
Artists: Nisrine Boukhari, Therese Enström, Gideonsson/Londré and Beatriz Santiago Munoz
Weather is state, or change of state, in the atmosphere. Despite our great interest in chatting about the weather, it is difficult to really get to it, that intricate system that constitutes the “outside” and connects heaven with the subterranean.
Weather are changes we always have been depending on, and that people have long tried to observe and predict. It’s the framework of our existence, and with this frame’s changes, we are also changing. In a time of dystopian narratives, how can art complement meteorology’s prognotic ability?
The exhibition brings together works that move around images of the effects of the changed weather, the desire and the ability to imagine a future and what obscures our vision.
Exhibitiontext (pdf)