In the summer of 2015, about twenty self-organized art activities from all over Sweden were gathered at the old campsite Veskijärve, in the forest 10 km outside Gnesta. Researchers and self-organized art workers from all over the world participated and together with the Swedish activities, shared a common map of the landscape of the self-organized art field. Its conditions, challenges and above all: its possibilities. This was the beginning of the network “The collective brain“. Since 2015, the network has been gathered in Luleå, Gothenburg and Sandviken. The number of groups that are part of the network has grown to around 50, spread across the country.
Now we return to Veskijärve to understand how our network and field have evolved over the past few years, what has been done and what remains to be done. For two days we gather in the forest outside Gnesta together with other invited thinkers and colleagues.
There are a limited number of beds in shared rooms, these are distributed to those who first sign up. For others, there is the opportunity to camp on site.
The network meeting is for you who self-organize an art operation. The meeting is free and there is the possibility of travel reimbursement. More information about programs and participants will be emailed on August 30 to participants.
Register by 30/8 by emailing
You will receive confirmation in reverse mail. NOTE! Limited number of seats.
More info on The collective brain: