Självporträtt av Bruno Liljefors, 1913
Sunday June 19
Meeting points:
Art Lab Gnesta at 10:30 am
or 11 am at coordinates 59.027648, 17.299995
Duration: about 2 hours
Join us on an artistic voyage in the swamp! Together with a local wetland expert we will be guided around in a young swamp just outside Gnesta.
We also present two tools specifically designed to come closer to the wetland. The Indian research network Earth CoLab in collaboration with artists Shreyasi Kar and Yashas Shetty were inspired by a carnivorous plant found in Swedish swamps and developed a helmet that produce peculiar sound works.
Also Art Lab Gnesta will demonstrate the app Laboskop that make you see the swamp in new ways. Bring your own food and comfortable clothing!
Image: Self portrait by Bruno Lijefors, 1913