Create in Residence: Swamp Storytelling combines the working fields of scientific research and artistic production around current environmental issues through a collaboration between Art Lab Gnesta, the Indian research network Earth CoLab and the Swedish Institute. Artists are invited to field work in close dialogue with scientists to formulate new perspectives on issues of environment, climate challenges and disaster management.
Now we’ve appointed the next artist in the exchange, and this winter Jennifer Rainsford will travel to India starting her research in Pondicherry. Jennifer Rainsford is based in Stockholm, her works in film, photo and sculpture follow and explore the destruction and reconstruction of nature.
Since in 2016 Swamp Storytelling is part of Create in Residence, a bilateral residency program initiated by the Swedish Institute in 2014. The program is implemented in different artistic and creative disciplines, and aims to promote knowledge exchange and build lasting networks between individuals and organizations in Sweden and other countries.
For more info, contact Signe Johannessen, signe.johannessen@artlabgnesta.se
+ 46 (0)708776385
Read more about Swamp Storytelling