Art Lab Gnesta and the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Daga-Gnesta invite you to take part in a flower walk in Ekdal, ending up in our local swamp Marksjön. Together with the botanist Hans Rydberg we will investigate white mosses in all sorts of colors, the late summer flowers and the green depths of the swamp.
After the walk there is the opportunity to enter the choreographer Katja Seitajokis and composer Tomas Björkdal’s sonic-swamp-scape. A soundscape that is bubbling with sour water, different smells and varying colors. Seitajoki and Björkdal have had a residency at Art Lab Gnesta during the summer to investigate different sounds and movements in the swamp. Is it possible to camouflage like an animal, an insect or a plant in order to establish a different relation to our surrounding nature?
Listen to Kamouflage:
Location: Ekdal – Marksjön
Time: Sunday, August the 27th, 10-13
Meeting place: In Ekdal at the parking lot
Directions: Follow the road that goes opposite to the Gnesta Health Center. The road is called Kärvsvägen. Follow it until you cross road 57. Immediately after it take to the left.
Park your car just after the farm.
With support from Kulturbryggan