Welcome to the pre opening of the exhibition Herbarium by Art Lab Gnesta and Grafikens Hus sunday 19/8 4pm-9.30pm at Under Tallarna, Järna.
The performative walk by the artist Johannes Heldén starts at 6pm. We offer non-alcoholic drinks and locally produced food will be available to buy during the whole evening.
The artist Johannes Heldén brings us to the forest in the outskirts of Järna. Step by step he leads us through a meditative walk which is double-exposed – at the same time as it takes place on another planet, in another solar system it takes place in the forest outside Under Tallarna. The exhibition Herbarium collects and presents artists exploring various medical traditions, future ecologies, theft of biological material and colonial resistance. The participating artists also explore the boundaries between the body’s inner and outer and in various ways man’s relation to nature. The different works take us into the body, down into the soil, through layers of time, across the boundaries of geography and the body.
Through the exhibition we ask: how can we view plants not only as witnesses but also as agents in our different histories? As agents bringing together perspectives and traditions that normally remain separated. Agents transgressing the boundaries between nature and culture, tradition and modernity, established as well as alternative medicine.
Johannes Heldén is an artist, author and musician. In his practice he explores ecology, artificial intelligence, science fiction and different narrative structures.
Time and place: Sunday August 19, 4pm-9.30pm. Under Tallarna, Rönnvägen 25, 153 30 Järna
If you arrive by car, park it next to Järna Central Station or somewhere else. There are no parking lots at Under Tallarna.
Warmly welcome!
Program 19/8
4pm – 5pm Oscar Rosengrens guide to overlooked, usable plants in the forest. Join a guided tour exploring edible and medicinal plants in our surrounding nature.
5pm – 10pm Make your own Herbarium. Try out traditional graphical print methods to make your own herbarium!
6pm – A meditative walk through the forest with the artist Johannes Heldén. At the same time as it takes place on another planet, in another solar system it takes place in the forest outside Under Tallarna.
8pm – 9.30pm Filmvisning Donna Haraway: Story Telling for Earthly Survival av konstnären Fabrizio Terranova. Donna Haraway is a prominent scholar in the field of science and technology working to build bridges between science and fiction. Haraway is a gifted storyteller who paints a rebellious and hopeful universe teeming with critters and trans species, in an era of disasters. The artist and filmmaker Fabrizio Terranova visited Donna Haraway at her home in California, living with her to produce this rare film portrait of one of the most original thinkers of our times.
About Under Tallarna
Under Tallarna is a farming a farming cooperative situated in the outskirts of Järna. The cooperative is run by five people with different backgrounds and practices. Through their operations Under Tallarna strives to find new ways to relate to economy, power and time, reaching beyond the normative relations in our present society.
More information here:
The exhibition Herbarium
Herbarium is produced by Art Lab Gnesta and Grafikens Hus. The exhibition opens at Art Lab Gnesta on September 22 and runs until October 28. But like offshoots, through performances, lectures and installations the exhibition also takes place in Stockholm, Södertälje, Järna och Ytterjärna.
Participating artists: Jenny Anderson, Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, Johannes Heldén, Ingela Ihrman, Katarina Lundgren, Uriel Orlow, Luiza Prado & Tobias Sjöberg.