Foto: Fredrik Sederholm
8th of december 2018 – 16.00-17.30
Once again we invite you to a manifestation for a more human society!
For the fourth year Art Lab Gnesta, Långsjö teater and Lokstallet Gnesta AB invite you all to join a collective mobilization. We want to gather all of you in Gnesta who believe in the need of inclusion, each and everyone’s right to a life in peace and to feel safe and have the right to express one’s opinions in our shared society. In times of social polarization this manifestation is to be perceived as an hommage to UN:s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. All of us who gather for the manifestation support this declaration and walk together for a more inclusive society.
We will gather outside Art Lab Gnesta at 16.00, where our new exhibition Scenes from here is opening. After having gathered outside Art Lab Gnesta we will walk together with our torches lit to Lokstallet, where there will be soup, mulled wine, speeches and joint singing.
This manifestation is not tied to any political or religious grouping. The following organizations and companies stand behind the manifestation:
Art Lab Gnesta
Föreningen Teater i Gnesta
Gnesta Handel
Gnesta kommun
Gnesta solidaritet
Gnesta Waldorfskola
Konst i Gryt
Kultur 57
Kören Karins Änglar
Lokstallarna i Gnesta AB
Långsjö teater
NaturAhl HLR & Hälsa
Skottvångs Grufva
Smedsta GF
Stjärnhovs IK
Vår Lokal
Vårdinge by folkhögskola