2021 Art Lab Gnesta celebrates our 10 years anniversary! We want to celebrate this together with you, but given the situation, we will wait a little longer before opening our doors. We look forward to welcoming you all later this spring.
Even though we cannot open right now, the work is in full swing. Here are some of the things we are working on right now:
The exhibition Morphology of Errors with newly produced works by Malin Franzén opens in a new, revised version in April.
During the first half of 2021, our residency program will be visited by the magazine OEI, curators Meryem Saadi and Sara Rossling (through a collaboration with Perpetuum Mobile), artists Anna Ihle, Goda Palekaite (in collaboration with Västerås Art Museum), artist Anna Ting Möller and choreographer Katja Seitajoki.
The collaboration with Gnesta’s youth in Squid Squad continues, and this year we are part of the Reclaiming Futures project, that creates meetings between young people and researchers at KTH in Stockholm. Later this autumn, the youth’s films will be shown at a film festival at Färgfabriken.
Follow Instagram.com/gnestasquidsquad
Together with Sörmlands naturbruk – Nynäs Slott & Naturreservat & Öknaskolan, we are developing a new project that enables new productions of art in the surroundings around the castle and adjacent nature reserve. With an exploratory gaze at the power relations within the manor culture that have characterized the place for centuries, we highlight new perspectives on human’s handling of the surrounding landscape through collaborations between artists, writers, students and staff.
During the year, we work in the project m/other becomings focusing on an exhibition opening later this autumn. Through durational collaborations between experimental cultural institutions, artists and thinkers, the project will cultivate intergenerational and multispecies methodologies, make space for the investigation of domestic resistance practices, and probe technologies of reproduction, resilience and recuperation. m/other becomings sees a collaboration between Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (DK), The Association for Arts and Mental Health (DK), Kultivator (SE), Art Lab Gnesta (SE) and Bioart Society (FI).
Before the summer returns, we want to share our work on wetlands and invite you down into a new, digital swamp.
We celebrate 10 years on Bryggeriholmen in Gnesta by working closer to our neighbors. In a series of mappings, compostings, community cultivations and culinary meetings, we create new common areas and conversations about the life that moves here, now and historically.
Welcome to 2021 with Art Lab Gnesta!