Photo: Malin Franzén's ongoing work with an exhibition which opens with us later this year.
Due to the ongoing pandemic and the Public Health Authority’s advice, Art Lab Gnesta has chosen to reschedule our spring program. We want to give visitors, artists and other partners the best conditions, which is difficult in times of uncertainty. Our work continues with unremitting power, but will look a little different during this spring.
- The performance From a Throat of Flesh by Moa Franzén, Tove Salmgren and Kajsa Wadhia will instead be played preliminary in August.
- The exhibitions The morphology of errors by Malin Franzén and Hydrotop with works by ten students from the Royal Institute of Art will preliminary open in September.
- The collaboration with Gnesta’s young people, as in the Squid Squad project, continues but in a slightly changed form. Read more about how Squid Squad works on our instagram account, @gnestasquidsquad
Instead of meeting at Art Lab Gnesta, we will be producing new material to share with you on our website as well as facebook and instagram account.
The changes in the program are made in awareness of artists’ often financially vulnerable situations that we try to work responsible for. Thanks to all our understanding partners and project funders.
Take care of each other and don’t forget to wash your hands, we’ll see you soon!